Among my colleagues at SoyaCincau, we use Malaysianised spelling and terms in our daily WhatsApp conversations. It even applies to brands—for example fast food joints like McDonald’s and KFC become “mekdi” and “kepci.” So, when McDonald’s Malaysia today announced that it was using its nickname “Mekdi” to celebrate its Malaysian-ness, I was completely lovin’ it.
The unexpected move is the perfect celebration of the company’s 37th year in Malaysia, and the name change is in conjunction with Merdeka and Malaysia Day.
What’s cool is that “Mekdi” is now proudly displayed at its iconic Bukit Bintang restaurant. The Bukit Bintang branch is the first ever McDonald’s restaurant to open in Malaysia, way back in 1982.

In celebration of the Merdeka month, Mekdi is also introducing its own rendition of Nasi Lemak McD—with the familiar fragrant coconut rice, crisply anchovies, crunch cucumber, fried egg and spicy sambal.
That’s not all, McDonald’s Malaysia has also started a petition on website to recognise Nasi Lemak as the official National Dish of Malaysia (quick, before Singapore claims it!), with the target of one million signatures by Malaysia Day, on 16 September.
Here’s the petition:
Jadikan Nasi Lemak sebagai makanan rasmi Malaysia
Jika Bunga Raya diangkat sebagai bunga kebangsaan, Proton dan Perodua digelar kereta Nasional dan Harimau Malaya, simbol keberanian negara, mengapa Nasi Lemak bukan makanan rasmi negara kita?
Inilah masanya untuk kita semua memartabatkan dan mengangkat Nasi Lemak sebagai makanan kebanggaan rakyat Malaysia.
Ternyata, Nasi Lemak adalah makanan yang disukai oleh seluruh rakyat Malaysia. Ianya kaya dengan rasa seperti mana Malaysia yang kaya dengan budaya.
Oleh itu, marilah kita beramai-ramai menandatangani petisyen ini demi menjadikan Nasi Lemak sebagai makanan rasmi Malaysia!
McDonald’s Malaysia memerlukan 1 Juta tandatangan daripada anda semua untuk menjadikan inisiatif ini suatu kenyataan sebelum Hari Malaysia (16 September 2019). Beritahu rakan-rakan dan keluarga anda.
Bersama-sama kita mampu mengubahnya.
Make ‘Nasi Lemak’ the official National Dish of Malaysia
We have a National Animal: The Malayan Tiger
We have a National Flower: The Hibiscus
We have two National Cars: Proton & Perodua.
However, Malaysia, a country known for our delicious food, doesn’t have a National Dish. We believe that it’s time to give that honour to our very own Malaysian-favourite Nasi Lemak.
Nasi Lemak is our most beloved dish, embraced by all cultures and all states in Malaysia as their own. It is a simple, everyday dish that’s full of diverse flavours and textures. A true representation of Malaysia and it’s unity of diverse cultures.
So, if you love Nasi Lemak, sign our petition today, and join McDonald’s Malaysia as we work to make Nasi Lemak the official National Dish of Malaysia!
We’re aiming to get 1-Million signatures by Malaysia Day (16 September 2019), so spread the word to your family & friends.
Together we can make a change.
To date, 8,278 people have signed and it’s rising fast.
Source: NST, Malaysia Lang Facebook