Apple Snubs Samsung As Memory Supplier For First Batch of iPhone 5

Apple A5X Processor

Apple A5X Processor

According to industry sources, the first batch of the upcoming iPhone 5 will not use Samsung memory modules.

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Apple is reportedly tapering orders from the South Korean smartphone rival. Another report claims Apple dropped Samsung chips completely for the new iPhone, replaced by parts made by Toshiba, Elpida Memory and SK Hynix.
It is believed that the move is part of Apple’s strategy to diversify its supply chain and has nothing to do with the patent disputes between the two smartphone giants.
Aside from DDR2 RAM modules, Samsung is the sole supplier of Retina displays in the third-gen iPad. It also fabricates the current line of A-series chips used in iDevices.
Apple is set to reveal the latest iPhone on September 12.
Source: Appleinsider

Vernon is the founder and chief editor of A graphic designer by profession, he has a deep love for technology, cars, gadgets, food, and travel. He tweets too much and is also known as a caffeine bacterium ("life's too short for bad coffee"). Bleeds Blue (go Chelsea FC!) and considers BMW, Porsche, Alfa Romeo cars to have in the garage--hallmarks of a true petrolhead.