Renowned photographer Norman Seeff has released a series of unseen photographs featuring a young Steve Jobs and the early Apple crew from the 1980s.
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“Steve was truly a visionary. Being a visionary is an intuitive faculty of being able to see beyond the current horizons of possibility. It is a powerful reflection of imagination not constrained by everyday boundaries. He was extraordinarily impatient with people who said “it couldn’t be done”. That was where some of his purported dictatorial unreasonableness would come from but in the end, he got what he wanted and everyone discovered that what seemed impossible could be done. Steve made the impossible possible.”
– Norman Seeff
View more images here – http://www.retronaut.co/2012/08/steve-jobs-unseen-images-by-norman-seeff-1984/
To buy one of the few remaining lithographs of the “Lotus” image, visit Norman’s Art For All studio site. Available for $75.
Source: DesignTAXI and Retronaut