If you ever thought Dropbox is safe, think again. Apparently, users around Europe are beginning to complain that their emails are getting spam because of leaked email addresses used for their Dropbox accounts.
David P. was the first Dropbox user to post on the company’s Web site forum titled “Email-Address leaked from Dropbox”. He wrote that the email he used only for Dropbox and nothing else was getting lots of spam mail. As the forum continues, users around Germany, U.K. and most of the E.U. countries began to flood the forum with their complaints as well. According to CNET.COM it may have been due to a Dropbox e-mail leak, spambot hitting random emails or a Dropbox integrated third-party app that leaked the addresses.
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Now, I know that there isn’t any news on Asian users yet but do stay vigilant. We never know who is going to be next. However as a precaution, Dropbox users better start checking their e-mails or contents of their Dropbox. You never know what could be lurking in your Dropbox……..
Source via Cnet.com