The Casio Exilim EX-ZR20 compact camera is certainly one that can be described as talented, and versatile. Powered by a 16.1MP high-sensitivity CMOS sensor supporting 8x optical zoom (16x multi-frame SR zoom), where this CSC really excels is in low-light conditions where many other compact cameras fail. While you may like the camera for its fancy shmancy filters and plethora of modes, we think High Speed Night Shot mode is where it truly impresses.
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Writer for Vernonchan.com, Fidelis Moses was on location at Marakesh recently to test out the camera. These are some shots taken and compared between High Speed Night Shot mode and Auto/Premium Auto modes (HSNS on the left).
Notice better exposure, sharpness and clarity. Normal auto mode tends to be less lighted and sometimes blurry. Even in almost complete darkness, the EX-ZR20 impresses. Almost mind-boggling at times.
If there was one killer feature of this compact camera, it has to be High Speed Night Shot.
Also visit the ever-expanding Casio Exilim EX-ZR20 album on Flickr.
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Watch out for more in this multi-part series.