At long last! A multiplayer mode for RE6 which will allow you to connect to other players as their enemies. However, to unlock this feature you will need to beat the game at least once. “Host” players will know when someone has turned up to annoy them, however, the “host” won’t know which creature is being controlled by that player.
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This mode is called “Agent Hunt” and only selected stages have this mode. The “creatures” you can play as haven’t been revealed however, but putting things into consideration, you’d probably be a generic zombie in a crowd of zombies. Total trolling opportunity right there. Communicating with other “Agents” is made possible via voice chat in game. “Host” players can’t hear what they are saying too, which makes it an even larger trolling opportunity.
But but but… I don’t want trolls in my game, I want solitude! Players can always turn this (“Agent Hunt”) option off. So, no worries about that.
Source Via Kotaku