Metal Gear Solid’s New Engine to be unveiled on August 30 2012

The ‘Great Creator’ of Metal Gear Solid, Hideo Kojima has spoken to PlayStation Blog about unleashing the new Fox Engine to the masses on August 30th 2012.

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Although, there are a couple of screenshots, we have yet to see the actual technology in action. “The Fox Engine is nearly finished, but the only way to be sure it works is to create a game at the same time and improve the engine with our tools as we go along,” Kojima said. “Originally we were going to do this for Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, but a lot happened along the way and instead it is being made with the engine they have at Platinum Games.”

Good news for MGS fans out there it looks like Snake is back for more espionage action. *Codex Rings*

Oh. Here are one of the sample screenshots from Fox Engine. Spot the difference! One is a real life picture, the other is a rendered using the Fox Engine. Which is real, which isn’t? You tell us.

Source via Kotaku

Image retrieved from Arstechnica


A gamer and a writer inspired by the industry. Filled with passion only when it comes to the triple Gs of life – Games, Gold and Girls.