Whether you’re planning to fly to Penang for a quick getaway, or London for the well-deserved break, Google Flights will help you plan and find the best deals.
The flexible destination search feature lets you explore based on dates, destinations and even interests like beaches, honeymoons and food (my kind of holiday!).
For example, you can choose a duration, e.g. “1 week,” “June,” and “Beaches” to see popular destinations.
Google can suggest the best times, and lowest price available to get there. You’ll see a snapshot of flights and even hotel options available.
One fun way to explore options is setting your interest then expanding the map by selecting “Explore Destination.” You’ll instantly see live prices for destinations that meet your interest category. You can fine-tune results to suit your preferences and budget.
One awesome thing about Google Flights is that it lists multiple, similarly priced flights. They’re grouped by airline, price and number of stops, which makes it easier for you to make a decision.
Google Flights also lets you save your flights, so you’ll always have the information handy – on your mobile and on the desktop.
It also allows you to track and compare fares before you commit, and receive alerts on Google Now.
Once you’ve saved your flights, you can easily share these with your friends and family for easy planning.