Facebook: One Billion Users and Counting

Mark-Zuckerberg-Facebook. Image credit: Guardian.co.uk
Mark-Zuckerberg-Facebook. Image credit: Guardian.co.uk

Mark-Zuckerberg-Facebook. Image credit: Guardian.co.uk
Mark-Zuckerberg-Facebook. Image credit: Guardian.co.uk

In a blog post, Co-founder and CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg officially announced that Facebook has hit another milestone – one billion users.

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Mark Zuckerberg said:

[quote]This morning, there are more than one billion people using Facebook actively each month. If you’re reading this: thank you for giving me and my little team the honor of serving you.

Helping a billion people connect is amazing, humbling and by far the thing I am most proud of in my life. I am committed to working every day to make Facebook better for you, and hopefully together one day we will be able to connect the rest of the world too.[/quote]

How much is one billion Facebook users? That’s one out of seven humans living on planet Earth. That’s amazing.

The world’s largest online social network hit 955 million active users in July 2012, taking just 3 months to hit the one billion mark. That’s impressive considering Facebook took a few years to hit 100 million users back in 2008.

Facebook’s disappointing IPO saw its share price debut at $38 but dipping drastically to $20 in August this year. While not lifestyle-changing, the 28-year old CEO saw his net worth drop to $8 billion. Zuckerberg acknowledged that the stock drop hurt the company and it would be harder for the company to raise future funds to compete with Google.

One billion users is no joke, but we do know what happens in the online space where entities can disappear or crumble overnight – you only have to look as far as MySpace and Friendster for good (or bad) examples. Zuckerberg, of course, isn’t resting on his laurels. His goal for world domination is real. For now, at least, Facebook is the biggest online social network in the world by a mile.

Not bad for a college network that was developed to see what other college students were up to.

Vernon is the founder and chief editor of Vernonchan.com. A graphic designer by profession, he has a deep love for technology, cars, gadgets, food, and travel. He tweets too much and is also known as a caffeine bacterium ("life's too short for bad coffee"). Bleeds Blue (go Chelsea FC!) and considers BMW, Porsche, Alfa Romeo cars to have in the garage--hallmarks of a true petrolhead.