In support of the Ministry of Health’s (MOH) efforts to curb the COVID-19 pandemic, Celcom recently provided additional connectivity assistance for on-ground medical staff throughout hospitals managing COVID-19 cases nationwide.
The telco handed over 200 dedicated postpaid SIM cards to assist MOH to reach out to COVID-19 Patient(s) Under Investigation (PUI) and potential contacts. The SIM cards come with free unlimited calls and 20GB data for each line.

That aside, Celcom extended support to the Sungai Buloh Hospital, one of the nation’s critical hospitals in curbing the COVID-19 pandemic. The telco supplied 40 mobile devices and phone lines, together with the deployment of Celcom’s “Cellular on Wheels,” a transportable network infrastructure booster, to ensure uninterrupted connectivity within the hospital vicinity.
Idham Nawawi, chief executive officer of Celcom Axiata Berhad said “Celcom values and strongly supports the relentless efforts by MOH and medical frontliners in curbing the COVID-19 global pandemic.”

“As the nation’s dedicated medical frontliners are utilising all resources including manpower and technical infrastructures, our support aims to ease their efforts and extend their communication avenue further, which is also crucial in curbing and flattening the curve of COVID-19 amongst Malaysians,” Idham added.
Celcom previously announced special relief initiatives to help Malaysians stay connected during the two-week (now extended) Movement Control Order amidst the COVID-19 outbreak.
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Sungai Buloh Hospital, one of the most critical hospital in managing COVID-19 pandemic, received 40 mobile devices with phone lines from Celcom to support the on-ground medical staff to reach out to patients under investigation and potential contacts. Azlan Zainal Abidin, chief of enterprise business officer, Celcom Axiata Berhad (second from left) together with Celcom’s Enterprise Business team delivered the mobile devices to Mohd. Rizal Abdullah, deputy director, management, of Sungai Buloh Hospital (third from left).