Research In Motion’s (RIM) hardworking BlackBerry App World team has just announced a new and much sexier BlackBerry App World. Version 3.0 is now available in BlackBerry Beta Zone fo BlackBerry smartphone users. The new storefront makes searching and downloading apps much easier.
You will notice that the Home Screen has changed. Designed from ground up, the Search function has been moved to the top of the Home Screen making it easier to search for your favourite app, game or theme. You can also sort by App Name, Price, Rating, Newest, Best Match, and Popular.
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You’ll also notice new top-level channels in BlackBerry App World. Games and BlackBerry Themes are two most popular categories so they have been promoted to the Home Screen. Within these new channels, you’ll find another carousel of Spotlight Banners for featured apps, sub categories, and top 25 lists (“Free”, “Paid”, “Recently Updated”, and “New”).
The featured carousel has been expanded to make it easier to find what’s new and what’s hot. A fresh list of the best in BlackBerry apps, games and themes is updated each month.
App detail look and feel has been given a tweak, giving you top selection criteria at a glance. Quickly swipe between app summaries, screenshots, and reviews – all in one screen. BBAW 3.0 makes it easy to share an app you like with #TeamBlackBerry? Instantly send to your Twitter® timeline,Facebook® wall, email, SMS, or to a BBM Contact or Group.
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New features at a glance:
- Sleek New Design – The BlackBerry App World experience has been enhanced to help users discover the latest and greatest apps and content, starting right on the BlackBerry App World home screen where rotating spotlight banners show off all that’s new and exciting.
- New Channels – Apps, Games, and Themes now have their own channels so users can get to what they want even faster.
- Introduction of My Account – My Account makes managing BlackBerry ID and payment options easy with direct access to all account information from the home screen.
- New My World Features – My World gives users a streamlined view of their apps and status, and now at a glance, in addition to seeing which apps are installed and uninstalled, users can manage subscription content and services. When new updates or subscription renewals are available for apps, users will be notified using push technology.
- App Social Sharing – when a user finds an app they can’t live without, they can share it directly from the app details screen through BBM, Facebook, Twitter, email and SMS
- Evolved App Details Screen – At a glance, users can get a quick summary, check out reviews and star ratings, take a look at screen shots, and more
- More Search Options – Quickly find apps with a Search Bar now appearing on the storefront home screen and search results are presented across Channels as well as My World. Search Bars are also within each Channel and users have the ability to filter by App Name, Price, Rating, Newest, Best Match, or Popular
For more information, please visit the Inside BlackBerry blog at http://blogs.blackberry.com/2011/08/blackberry-app-world-3-0-beta/
Download the app in BlackBerry Beta Zone: www.blackberry.com/beta