Barely 12 hours after Apple posted an important patch to fix PDF-based security vulnerabilities, which was exploited by Comex in JailBreakMe 3.0, the boys at RedmondPie have successfully jailbroken iOS 4.3.4 with its PwnageTool Bundle. iOS 4.3.4 was released for the GSM iPhone 4 and 3GS, the iPad and iPad 2, and the 3rd / 4th generations of the iPod touch; also an exclusive v4.2.9 for the CDMA iPhone 4. The PDF-based vulnerability is caused by a buffer overflow in the handling of TrueType and Type 1 font.
The PwnageTool Bundle jailbreak is a semi-tethered one, which allows you to jailbreak any device (except for iPad 2)running iOS 4.3.4, and at the same time preserve your baseband for an Ultrasn0w unlock later on.
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Some things you’ll need:
- PwnageTool 4.3.3
- iOS 4.3.4 firmware
- iTunes 10.3.1
- Mac OS X
- PwnageTool bundles for iOS 4.3.4
- tetheredboot utility
Important notes:
- There is no unlock for iOS 4.3.4’s baseband, hence do not hit the update button in iTunes if you rely on a carrier unlock.
- Your baseband will be preserved during the whole process.
- This jailbreak is semi-tethered.
- Hacktivation is fully supported