Alien: Colonial Marines. Introducing “Escape Mode” For Multiplayer

I have to admit it, shooting at Xenomorphs in Singleplayer will never feed my insatiable hunger. I need to frag real players, not programmed A.Is. Period. I have to thank Gearbox, for quenching that thirst with its new multiplayer mode called “Escape Mode.”

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This trailer reminds me of Left 4 Dead for several reasons:
1. It’s a 4v4 – Humans vs. Xenos scenario.
2. Humans need to escape. On the other side, Xenos will need to hunt and annihilate humans.
3. Xenos have classes to choose from. Spitter, (Yes, I know…) Soldier, and Lurker.
Well, why don’t you decide whether it looks like some first person Zombie Apocalypse that you know?
Here’s the video and comment below!
Source: Gamespot

A gamer and a writer inspired by the industry. Filled with passion only when it comes to the triple Gs of life – Games, Gold and Girls.