Yup, we know Windows 8 is coming soon. There are tons of eager people waiting for it and there many who are saying “throw in the towel” before it launches. Valve Software‘s co-founder Gabe Newell however, doesn’t think very highly of Windows 8. However, this comment got people talking.
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Over in ZDnet.com, Ken Hess gave his two cents on the issues regarding Windows 8.
“And, in spite of what you or Gabe Newell might think of Windows 8, it’s no catastrophe.
Gabe, you silly, silly boy.
Of course, Gabe’s statement certainly put his little software company on everyone’s radar. Before this, I’d never heard of Gabe Newell or Valve Software. That might seem odd but I don’t do any gaming on the Xbox* mainly because I don’t own an Xbox. We’ve always been Nintendo people at my house. Sure, I’ve heard of a few of their games but who really pays attention to the company that creates them? Not me, but maybe that’s just me.”
Well, I guess not everyone shares Gabe’s view on Win 8. Still, Windows 8 is about to launch, so lets just wait for it and then review it, with proper evidence of course.
Brian: Before you go on ahead and dump a can of grenades on Ken for referring to Valve as an Xbox Dev, they DID port some games over to the Xbox (and PS for that matter). But… who hasn’t heard of Steam? One of the most controversial forms of DRMs out there back then. If you would view it as such.
Read more about it here.
(image Source:bradcolbow.com)