Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 fans had lots to grunt about at Activision and Treyarch’s recent removal of possibly the fan favorite, Nuketown. Its off the Multiplayer mode for now.
The Nuketown 2025-24/7 map and double XP weekend came as a bonus for pre-orderers, which is an update from the previous “Black Ops” map. This map allowed players to play in various modes like any other map.
However, problem arose when players noticed Nuketown 2025 and the double XP bonus went to everyone who bought it, not just the pre-orders. Which was a kick to the face for pre-order customers.

However, after the double XP weekend, David Vonderhaar, Treyarch Head Game Design Direction,went on Twitter and said this:
Double XP weekend is official over. That means Nuketown 2025 / 24-7 is as well. I know. RIGHT? Don’t kill the messenger.
Now, it was never officially announced that the Nuketown 2025 map will be there forever, but still ONE of the reasons people pre-ordered the game was really the map access.
Treyarch and Activision did say the map will return for special events. They have yet to say anything on the pull-out of the map, however.
Still, questions lingers if they will go with the season pass plan to make it available, fans will not be happy, especially those who have pre-ordered it.
P/S: Really Activision and Treyarch? You could at least give us a heads up before your plan. Now, what map do you expect us to play……? -MOSES
Source: Examiner