Nokia fans, if the Android-powered Nokia X didn’t rock your boat at the 2014 Mobile World Congress (MWC) in Barcelona, then perhaps this piece of news will. The GSMA has announced winners of the 19th Annual Global Mobile awards and Nokia has come away with several.
The crazy cheap Nokia 105 won the ‘Best Entry-level or Featurephone’ award and deservingly, Windows Phone’s runaway winner – the Lumia 520, was awarded the ‘Best Low-cost Smartphone’ (sub-US$150).
The Lumia 520 is the best-selling Windows Phone to date since its introduction at MWC 2013. The budget Lumia occupies an impressive 13.3% global marketshare (Data: Adduplex). The device has seen much success in emerging markets like India and Brazil.
Nokia Solutions and Networks also came out a winner, together with O2 UK (Telefonica) for ‘Best Mobile Infrastructure’ for iSON.
Source: Windows Phone Central