(Credit: Cnet.com)
Playing games can now come with a weight loss management program. Think its weird or impractical? Well, it isn’t to the Microsoft developers.
Microsoft recently launched the Kinect PlayFit, an update which can be download for Xbox Live subscribers onto their Xbox 360 consoles with Kinect. The Kinect PlayFit is a dashboard that allows Kinect users to see how much calories they have burned playing Kinect titles such as Dance Central 2 and even Star Wars Kinect.
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The fun thing about this dashboard is that you get credits whenever an achievement is complete. Getting rewarded for burning your calories never got this good. Kinect PlayFit will keep a track record of your workout and you can challenge other Xbox Live subscribers using the same application. So, playing with your Kinect will now be fulfilling, fun and healthy! This actually sets a new benchmark towards other companies and rivals of Microsoft such as Nintendo’s Wii and EA’s exercising game titles for the Wii.
The application is only available in US right now however, but you can try to find it in the Xbox Marketplace and see if it is downloadable for the Asian Region, in the near future.
Source: Cnet.com