I bring glorious news for Tekken X Street Fighter and Gran Turismo 5 Spec II fans today. The Sony PlayStation Summer Festival 2012 have invaded one of Kuala Lumpur’s renowned shopping malls, Mid Valley Megamall and will be there from 1st to 5th of August, 10am- 10pm. The tournament will be held at East Atrium on 4th August (Saturday) and 5th August(Sunday) – make sure to register yourself up for the mini tournament during the event. This is a challenge indeed! So, join the fight, who knows you might win something. Besides that, participants will get to demo new games on the PS3 and PS Vita platform, including some unreleased titles! (Not naming any, go there and see it for yourself!)
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For those who are allergic to long texts like the above, here are some screenshots!
Look at the Free Trials and Game Demos! You sure you wanna miss that?
Here is the tournament’s mean machine.
This is where you’ll be throwing your punches and kicks
So, what are you waiting for? Head down to Mid Valley, sign up and win something! Game on!