So years after the perennial social photography app Instagram literally conquered the iOS space, it has finally (insert exasperation here…) come to the realms of the green robot. IMHO, i consider Instagram the one principal reason why I’d buy an iPhone.
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The absence of Instagram in the Android space has opened doors to Instagram-type copies like picplz and MOLOME (whom I had the pleasure to meet during BlackBerry DevCon 2011 in Singapore). None of course has enjoyed the phenomenal success of Instagram over on the fruity side. Pre-Android, Instagram has a staggering 27 million users worldwide. Instagram is rumored to be raising $40 million on a valuation of $500 million.
Instagram founder Kevin Systrom lamented recently at SXSW Interactive that the Android Instagram app is better than its iOS counterpart. As if to reassure himself that the Android version would at least be a good. I consider that, however, almost akin to shooting oneself in the foot. We’ll have to see about that. App review coming right up.
Twitterverse, especially amongst techie peers have been quick to install and test the app. In fact, over 430,000 users signed up for the waiting list a week and a half ago. Reactions have varied from sheer delight to being underwhelmed.
In terms of feature-set, they are the same across iOS and Android. Visually, design adjustments and tweaks have been made to fit the Android UI.
Instagram is downloadable for free from Google’s Play Store and is compatible with all camera phones running Android 2.2 and above.
As we speak, I am getting notifications on my iPad from Android friends who have joined Instagram. Even more artistic Facebook pic updates from now on, I guess?
Have you installed and tried it out? Tell me what you think!