Company of Heroes 2: The Tech of Cold Realistic Hell.

In Mother Russia, the snow sleeps on you.

In Mother Russia, the snow sleeps on you.

Things just got a bit chilly in the Real Time Strategy (RTS) arena. THQ has officially unveiled ColdTech, a cutting edge, new weather technology found in the upcoming and hight anticipated World War 2 RTS sequel – Company of Heroes 2 (COH2.)

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ColdTech will freeze your army to death, hence the name. To make sense, the folks at Relic Entertainment decided that in Mother Russia, you will freeze to death if you are venturing below -40 Degrees F. Players will need to keep them warm by building fires and garrisoning them in buildings. What’s even more interesting is that your armies will turn into ice cubes even faster depending on the dynamic blizzards. (I might just have fun watching them die that way.)

Thanks to the folks at Relic Entertainment and with the magic from Essence Engine 3.0 and ColdTech, buildings and vehicle will be covered with snow, it can also be melted/removed from objects. To make matters even more realistic, troop’s movement will also be penalized when they ventured into thick snow, vehicles’ tracks can also be spotted and covered by fresh snow fall.

Like the snow, the frozen icy lakes and rivers will also affect troop movements. The only difference is, your troops will experience the coldest trip to hell if the ice cracks and breaks, sending your troops into icy cold water. So, take a risky shortcut to flank your enemies, or use the safe and heavy defended routes. It’s your choice.

Conclusion, Company of Heroes 2 tests the players’ skills through environment observation, timing and surviving through harsh cold weather while fending off your opponents. I can’t wait to feel the icy cold realism of Mother Russia, I am tired of pinning my enemies and burn them to crisp with my Crocodile Shermans.

Source Via THQ

A gamer and a writer inspired by the industry. Filled with passion only when it comes to the triple Gs of life – Games, Gold and Girls.