10 Interesting Things to Know About the New PlayStation 4 (PS4)

Image credit: Sony

Image credit: Sony

The new PlayStation 4 (PS4) gaming and entertainment console has just been launched in the US, and will rollout in other regions and countries through to February 2014. Malaysia of course, gets the much-anticipated device on 20 December 2013. Come 22 December 2014, the PlayStation brand will celebrate its 20th year of existence. What an amazing journey it has been. We’ve compiled a list of 10 things we feel you should know about the new PlayStation 4.

#1 The PS4 is the 8th generation PlayStation, with the brand making its debut with the original PlayStation in 1994.

#2 At US$399, the PlayStation 4 is cheaper than the PlayStation 3 at launch. Sony will lose $60 for every PlayStation 4 sold for US$399 at launch, but expected to recoup losses when PlayStation Plus subscriptions and sale of game titles pick up.

#3 The PS4 no longer uses the Cell microprocessor by Sony, IBM and Toshiba, a PowerPC-based architecture. Sony partnered AMD to customise an AMD APU which integrates the CPU and GPU as well as video and memory controller. The CPU consists of two quad-core “Jaguar” 64-bit modules and packs 8GB DDR5 RAM, a whopping 16 times more than the PS3. Performance is claimed to be 10x faster than the PS3.

#4 The PS4 will support the PlayStation Move motion controller, and will enhance tracking precision via the PS Camera. Much of the PlayStation Move’s technologies are now built into the new DualShock 4 controller.

#5 The DualShock 4 controller has built-in two-point capacitative touch pad on the front of the controller, with integrated motion detection via a three-axis gyroscope and three-axis accelerometer and improved vibration. It is the first PlayStation first-party controller to feature official support for the Windows PC platform. The START and SELECT buttons have been merged into a single OPTIONS button. A dedicated SHARE button allows players to upload videos from their gameplay experiences.

#6 The PS4 is not backward compatible with PS3 games.

#7 The PS4 does not support DualShock 3 controllers.

#8 All games on PS4 are not region-locked. Customers can also trade, lend or sell their games if they choose. Games online can be tested for free, and customers have full access to the entire Sony digital library.

#9 The PS4 costs US$1,800 in Brazil! (and we’re complaining that it’s expensive in Malaysia?).

#10 The PS4 runs OrbisOS which is based on FreeBSD 9.

Have questions about the PS4? Visit the official PS4 FAQ for Asia.

Vernon is the founder and chief editor of Vernonchan.com. A graphic designer by profession, he has a deep love for technology, cars, gadgets, food, and travel. He tweets too much and is also known as a caffeine bacterium ("life's too short for bad coffee"). Bleeds Blue (go Chelsea FC!) and considers BMW, Porsche, Alfa Romeo cars to have in the garage--hallmarks of a true petrolhead.