BlackBerry Jam Asia 2013: Registration is Open

Image credit: n4bb

Image credit: n4bb

BlackBerry Jam Asia 2013 is hitting Hong Kong on 26-27 September 2013, and registration is now open. The premier event for developers and key partners will as usual be the platform to create apps and content for BlackBerry 10, gain insights and knowledge as well as received development training, business strategy sessions and networking opportunities.

BlackBerry Jam Asia 2013 will provide developers opportunities to take advantage of the BB10 platform and create engaging app experiences for customers. A recent research by VisionMobile (2013) revealed that developers’ platform choices opt for platforms that will generate more revenue. CIOs focus on efficiency and low costs, CMOs focus on reach while hobbyist prefer exploring with newer platforms.

BlackBerry Jam Asia 2013 will feature more than 50 breakout sessions presented by BlackBerry experts and members of the developer community. Key areas the breakout sessions will focus on are helping developers leverage on mobile computing and concepts to build innovative apps. Developers will also learn art of building a business on the BlackBerry 10 platform.

One of the key unique selling propositions of the BB10 platform, is the Signature BlackBerry 10 experience. Developers can learn more about Built for BlackBerry, utilise the resources available to design, develop and distribute apps.

Qualifiied attending developers may receive a BlackBerry 10 Dev Alpha C device at the event. Quantities are limited and terms and conditions apply. The device can be used to adjust, debug and test BlackBerry 10 apps.

For more information on the on the sessions, check out the Session Catalog here.

For more information, visit

Vernon is the founder and chief editor of A graphic designer by profession, he has a deep love for technology, cars, gadgets, food, and travel. He tweets too much and is also known as a caffeine bacterium ("life's too short for bad coffee"). Bleeds Blue (go Chelsea FC!) and considers BMW, Porsche, Alfa Romeo cars to have in the garage--hallmarks of a true petrolhead.