Tekken designer, Harada San had something to say at news.com.au directed at the console makers and its gamers. Yes gamers, I guess we finally can have some power in deciding what we want in the gaming industry.
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Harada San, game director and chief producer of the fighting game franchise, Tekken, said Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo should join forces for good instead of evil. This what he said:
[quote]“For a long time, the game industry has been able to control the way people play games,”
“There was a platform that people used solely for their gaming needs, and the industry had control of the trends and such that occurred.”
“People are able to not be tied down by consoles,” he said. “And it doesn’t stop with phones, we have browser gaming and all these different platforms.”
“I think it would be interesting if Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo got together just to make one console,” he said. “It makes me very happy to think about all the possibilities that could occur because of that.”
Mr San said, speaking through a translator.[/quote]
However, he also said with the rise of mobile phone and internet gaming developments, games will be part of the basic package. He also said Sony put itself ahead of its competitors by taking away region locks on their PS3, making it open access for all to play and enjoy games around the world. However, he did emphasize that if 3 of the major console makers were to work together, the opportunities of innovation would be endless.
Well, with the launch of Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (TTT2) on all 3 consoles announced and confirmed, what Harada San said really makes it more firm. Will we see a new emerging market of games on all consoles like how they did? Or will exclusive games for game consoles like HALO series for example still be in the market to control our gamers?
Only time will tell……. so gamers, the decision is in your hands!
Source: New.com.au
Image: sdtekken.com